วันอาทิตย์ที่ 20 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2559

[Week 15] Learning reflection

This is the last blog for this semester, English strategies course. I had gotten a lot of strategies for reading in my daily life four months ago. I learned English Reading Strategies subject. I learned about a healthy diet, news stories, today's technology, fashion, west meets east, scanning, extensive reading, read faster, paragraph reading strategies and classic Ann Landers.
I thought scanning, extensive reading, read faster and paragraph reading strategies were difficult and I did not understand some content. But I solve my problems by do exercises myself. I need more practice reading .Sometimes I asked my friends and found the some vocabulary before class. Sometimes, I felt bad that I can't did exercise and not understand it, but I tried to practice and asked my friends about each problem.

วันเสาร์ที่ 19 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2559

[Week 14] Classic Ann Landers

On Monday 14th November, I learned about “Classic Ann Landers” . First, the teacher gave me the handout. Next, she assigned us to read letters that someone sent to Ann Landers. While I were reading, the teacher opened the Cambridge dictionary to find some words for teaching me about pronunciation and meaning of its.  
ผลการค้นหารูปภาพสำหรับ ann landers
source by :http://cbsnews1.cbsistatic.com/hub/i/r/2002/06/23/cd3cd34c-a642-11e2-a3f0-029118418759/thumbnail/620x350/58438cf2d40494d26498adecb3ead679/image513119x.jpg

Next, I read each letter and its response again and answered the questions. After I did finish, she gave corrective feedback together.
    1. Why did Careful Louisiana write the letter to Ann Landers?
      To ask her to warn the readers to be cautious anytime a stranger has been in their homes.
    2. What is Ann Landers’ advice?
       She advises the writer to lock the doors and windows.
    3. What is Granada Hills’ problem?
       He doesn’t want his friends to say “Get well soon” to her wife. It hurt  to hear that  words because everyone knows his wife will die.
    4. Why did he write the letter to Ann Landers?
     Because he wants to Ann Landers help him for this problem.
    5. What is Ann Landers’ advice for him?
      She has no idea. But she advises him to “Play the game” because the phrase is intended to be comforting.
    6. What is Annoyed in Texas’ problem?
       Her problem is her ex-husband’s new wife is constantly overstepping her bounds  with her children so she feels angry about this .
    7. Why did she write the letter to Ann Landers?
        Because, she needs the advice to deal with her problem.
    8. What is Ann Landers’ advice for her?
       She advises her to don’t complete with the second wife, stay in the background, and refrain from making any critical remarks.  
I used reading faster, scanning, skimming, and reading for detail.
I felt very nervous for the test2.

วันเสาร์ที่ 12 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2559

[Week 13] Paragraph reading strategies

     Last Monday 7th November, I learned the paragraph reading strategies "books and novels". The teacher gave us the handout and assigned us to do exercise 2 that read the questions and then skim the descriptions for the answer. I did it quickly. And then, she gave corrective feedback.
ผลการค้นหารูปภาพสำหรับ Paragraph reading strategies
source by : http://yourieltstutor.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/shutterstock_108299510-e1345634144234.jpg

she opened the Cambridge dictionary for teaching us to pronounce some words follow.
geography (n.)  /dʒiˈɒɡ.rə.fi/ = the study of the systems and processes involved in the world's weather, mountains, seas, lakes, etc. and of the ways in which countries and people organize life within an area
            institute (n.)  /ˈɪn.stɪ.tʃuːt/ = an organization where people do a particular type of scientific, educational, or social work, or the buildings that it uses
            Institution (n.) /ˌɪn.stɪˈtʃuː.ʃən/ = a large and important organization, such as a university or bank
            History (adj.) /ˈhɪs.tər.i/ = (the study of or a record of) past events considered together, especially events of a particular period, country, or subject
            heroic (adj.) /hɪˈrəʊ.ɪk/ = very brave or great
            heroine (n.) /ˈher.əʊ.ɪn/ a woman who is admired for having done something very brave or having achieved something great
  I used the skimming, scanning, and reading faster for read eight short describe.I usually read every word.I think, I found the obstacles for read faster. I felt happy for this lesson.I can’t answer the question correctly but I will try my best.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 3 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2559

[Week 12] "Extensive reading continues" and "Read faster"

Last Monday 31st October, I studied about “Extensive reading” that continued from last week ago and started to learn about “Read faster”. she opened the Cambridge dictionary for teaching “how to pronounce” and “what is the meaning” of the words reluctant, effective, consistent, elective, and acquire.
Then, the teacher assigned us to think and talk with my friend that was about “What are obstacles to faster reading. So, I told my friend that “I think we may be worrying the meaning of difficult words that we don’t know while we read.”
  I used skimming, scanning, and guessing the meaning for read in this lesson
  I felt very good for this lesson.