วันพุธที่ 22 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2560

Cause and Effect

On Monday 20th March, I was study “Cause and Effect”. The professor opened the video of the fourth year student that was about how to cook fried rice. So, she assigned us to do this work.

The professor explained to me about Cause and Effect. After that she read the text example and practice for the student. Then she explained discourse markers of “cause and effect”. Next, the professor told me to read “The effect of stress” and answer questions below the text. So, I took a long time for doing this activity. After I did it finished, the professor read the text again for us and told me to find discourse marker of cause and effect.

วันพุธที่ 8 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2560

"Procedure continues" and " Comparision and Contra...

On Monday 6th March, I studied “Procedure” and “Comparison and Contrast”. First of all, the professor told me to talk with my friend about “what did I do on weekend?” and then she gave me a handout.  After that, she read the text 3 in the handout that was about how to use a toaster. After she read it finished, she told me to do the exercises 1, 2, 3, and 5.

Next, she told me to open the first page of this handout. So, it was about the “purpose”, “types of procedural texts”, “text organization”, and “language features”. Next, the professor showed me some pictures and asked me how they’re different. So, she brought this toward the new reason that was “Comparison and Contrast”.

Comparison is to compare the two things or more over that are similarities. Then, she told me to compare between the high context culture student and the low context culture student so the example 1 was on the slide of the Microsoft PowerPoint. So, I wrote the diagram like this:

More skilled in the reading non-verbal behaviors
- Speak less
- Listen more
- Communication tends to be indirect and less explicit
Low context culture student
- Emphasize verbal messages and shared information they encode.
- Speak more
- Listen less
- Stress direct and explicit communication

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วันอังคารที่ 7 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2560

"Narrative continues" and "Descriptive"

On Monday 30th January, I studied narrative continued from the yesterday. And today I stated to study the Descriptive

The first, the professor told my friend to tell the story “the secrets” for the student who didn’t come to the class yesterday. After that, the professor explained me about the Narratives. Narrative is to entertain, gain, and held the reader’s interest in a story. There are many types of Narrative for the example, fairy stories, mysteries, science fiction, or romances etc. Furthermore, the focus of the text is a sequence of actions. Starting with an orientation and then complication, reach a peak to the climax, and finally resolution.

After the narrative is end. The professor was taught continued with Descriptive. And then, she gave me the new handout that was the “Descriptive”. Then, she drew the diagram on her computer. After that, she toil me to draw the diagram like this.

And then, she told me to add the information from the handout onto the diagram that I drew. The time was up. Finally, the professor told me to do that for the homework.

ผลการค้นหารูปภาพสำหรับ Descriptive