I were study descriptive continue from last
week on Monday 6th February. When the professor came to the class, I was here
that before. I never came late.
The professor read the text about Komodo and
explained this story for me. Then she told me to do the activities. So,
the activity A. was “Answer the questions based on the text.” And activity B.
was “Match the word with the correct meaning.” After we did it finished, she
gave us the corrective feedback.
Next, she told me read a text 2 “Budapest” After
I finished read, I answer the questions below the text. After I did it
finished, she gave us the corrective feedback. Next, we read the text 3. It is
“Prague” that is the city in Europe. After I finished read, she told me to do
the activity below this text. But she gave me the corrective feedback while I
was doing this activity.