วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 29 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2559

[Week 8] Fashion(continue) and West meets East

             Last Monday, 26th September 2016. I tested Midterm.  After that, the teacher started the class. She began to teach about fashion continues. First of all, we read “Spitting hairs”. Then, we did the general understanding that was matching. I learned a new vocabulary. I completed each sentence with the correct word. I talked to a partner and answered the question about fashion. 
              After that, I learned about West meets East. I completed the sentence and discussed the question with a partner. Finally, I read the “ Asianization” of the United States.  And then, she told us to find the definitions of the words that on the projector. Then, she gave the handout to us and told us to do the pre-reading 1 and 2. Pre-reading 1 was about complete the sentences with the keywords in bold from the text. Pre-reading 2 was about the discussion the question with a partner.
Finally, I was so nervous about the point of the midterm test, but I really like for leaning on this day.

วันศุกร์ที่ 16 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2559

[Week 7] Fashion

Last Monday, 12th September 2016. I studied about fashion. 

ผลการค้นหารูปภาพสำหรับ fashion
source by :http://fashionmagazine.com/

Next, she gave the handout for me. It was fashion. It had a lot of activities. First, we did pre-reading that had the words about fashion such as halter top, fishnet stockings, high heels, kimono, etc.
She told us to do exercise PRE-READING2. This exercise was about check the sentences are you think are true before you read the passage.It made me know my knowledge background.              
In addition, the teacher taught about previewing picture, scanning, skimming, guessing the words meaning from the context, and making inferences.

วันพุธที่ 14 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2559

[Week 6] Today's technology

          Last Monday, 29th August 2016. I learned English Reading Strategies subject. I studied about technology. In addition, the teacher taught about previewing picture, scanning, skimming, guessing the words meaning from the context, and making inferences.

         After that, we did a lot of activities in the handout. First, mark each statement Researcher's opinion (R) or nature's opinion (T). I used reading for detail to find the answers.

I used the skimming, scanning, previewing, and reading for detail for reading.

วันอังคารที่ 6 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2559

[Week 5] Today's technology

                On 29th Monday, We learned about “Today’s technology. The teacher told me to write about the Internet application that I use to improve my English skills such as blog, video, online games, computer, and search engine. I read about podcasts and answered question in the exercise. I discussed about technology with my friend.

  How to enjoy the benefits of technology today  

1. Use It to Learn

Use it to access information for your learning. Many years ago we couldn’t imagine that we can get to know new information without going out of the house. Mothers examined new recipes from the book that they borrow in the libraries. Fathers bought newspapers to learn the updated information from business, economy and society. Students all evenings spent in the libraries to write the report, project or academic paper. Today information is easily accessed thanks to the Internet. Meanwhile, online courses are accessible to the students who are unable to attend traditional educational buildings because of health or other complications. It is a convenient way to study.

2. Use It to Communicate

            Technological advances now enable us to communicate in a huge variety of ways from social media to mobile phone, email video, email to fax and more. One such example is using it for business communication. Business communication often relies on the use of technology to connect and facilitate the flow of information among individuals, groups, and organizations. Technologies for e-mailing, messaging, video conferencing, and document sharing in most organizations are fully integrated into how work is conducted and how people interact.

source by :  http://youtu.be/a-dw70XUY4s

3. Use It to Entertain Yourself and Others

            Before there were electronics, people found simple ways to entertain themselves: Curling up with a good book, knitting by the fire, listening to the radio, and playing Bridge. There was no such thing as cable television, boom boxes, or computers, but now technology enabled us to entertain ourselves in many more different ways. Technology has provided us with even more creative ways to occupy our time.
source by : http://www.ues-wosc.com/

วันศุกร์ที่ 2 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2559

[Week 4] Natural Disasters

             Last Sunday, 28th August 2016. I made up the class with Professor Usa and I also learned natural disasters to continue from the third week. I studied about natural disasters news. I read news story and  answered question. she told us to write unfamiliar words and find their meaning in English from dictionaries. I had 5 words.
1.radioactive (adj.)/ˌreɪ.di.əʊˈæk.tɪv/
having or producing the energy that comes from the breaking up ofatoms
2.     coolant (n.)/ˈkuː.lənt/
a specially prepared liquid that is used to stop a machine from getting too hot while it is operating
3.     handle (n.)/ˈhæn.dəl/
a part of an object designed for holding, moving, or carrying theobject easily
4.     measured (adj.)/ˈmeʒ.əd/
careful and controlled, or not fast
5.     jetliner (n.)/ˈdʒetˌlaɪ.nər/
a large jet aircraft that can carry a lot of passengers

ผลการค้นหารูปภาพสำหรับ natural disaster
source by : http://www.explorefacts.net/